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The Crusaders Hall of Fame


There are few sports teams quite like the Crusaders. Seven championships in a row, 14 Super Rugby titles in 28 years, and a loyalty to club unrivalled in rugby union.


The success of the Crusaders, both on and off the field, is undeniable and it’s time to acknowledge and celebrate the legends of our club. 


The Crusaders are excited to launch the Crusaders Hall of Fame, our new annual recognition of players and coaches who have made significant contributions, or achieved greatness, with the Crusaders.



The Committee

A selection committee was formed to help select the annual inductees to ensure fairness and that no player or coach worthy of inclusion will be missed. They’ll meet twice a year to discuss eligible inductees, making sure decisions are based on the evolving nature of the game and the Crusaders. 


The current committee is: 


  • Bob Stewart (Chairperson) 
  • John Miles 
  • Brian Ashby 
  • Lesley Murdoch 
  • Sam Broomhall
  • Angus Gardiner 
  • Scott Robertson
  • Current Player: Samuel Whitelock 


There are seven Hall of Fame criteria to inform selection, with an inductee needing to meet at least five to be eligible. 

Mr Blackadder v2

Inductee 1


Todd Blackadder

Mr Blackadder v2
Mr Marshall

Inductee 2


Justin Marshall

Mr Marshall
Mr Smith

Inductee 3


Wayne Smith

Mr Smith

Inductee 4


Norm Maxwell


Inductee 5


Leon MacDonald


Inductee 6


Reuben Thorne
