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A stadium in the central city of Christchurch has never felt so close.


The Crusaders today launched an offering to secure a seat in Te Kaha – one of the first real tangibles of the Crusaders future home.


If you buy a Crusaders membership for the 2024 season, and keep it for the 2025 season, you’ll automatically join a priority waitlist to select a seat in Te Kaha in 2026.


It’s our way of acknowledging the loyalty that Crusaders fans have shown while we wait for Te Kaha.


“We’re excited to launch this offering for our members and fans, as we look forward to the completion of Te Kaha in 2026,” said Colin Mansbridge, Crusaders CEO.


“This tangible link to the future makes the stadium feel real for us, and hopefully for our members too.”


Crusaders memberships are on sale from 1 September, with a range of packages available. They are the best way to be a part of the Crusaders and have the best game day experience. Plus, members have access to exclusive Crusaders merchandise not available to anyone else.

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What is the Te Kaha Crusaders Priority Waitlist? 
The waitlist is our way of acknowledging the loyalty that Crusaders fans have shown while we wait for Te Kaha, to be built in Christchurch.  The waitlist is in numerical order based on when you purchase, and is available to all those that purchase a Crusaders membership product (seated or non-seated)


What happens if I buy in 2023/2024, but not in 2024/2025? 
If you buy in 2023/2024 you will automatically be added to the waitlist, however, if you don’t renew your membership for 2024/2025, you will lose your place on the waitlist. The best way to retain your place, is to renew your membership year on year until 2026 when the stadium is expected to be completed.


How do I know where I am on the waitlist? 
We will advise you on the 31st Jan of each year, of your position on the waitlist, via email. Your position on the waitlist is determined by the order in which you purchased your membership in, starting as of 2023/2024 memberships sales.


We will communicate with you about your position on the waitlist at the end of January, and we will advise you of your position on the waitlist yearly until the stadium has been completed.  Once Te Kaha has been completed we will advise you of how you can unlock that benefit in Te Kaha.

What sort of membership do I need to purchase? 
You will be eligible to join this waitlist if you purchase any of the Crusaders non-seated or seated membership options.


How can I redeem my seat in the new stadium in 2026?  
We will advise you in early 2026 of how you can select your seat based on your position on the waitlist.


What happens if the stadium isn’t completed in April 2026? 
It won’t change your position on the waitlist, it just means that the benefit will be unlocked once we have a clearer picture of Te Kaha’s completion date.